Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Contact Sheet Analysis

These pictures above our the product from my music magazine photoshoot. I followed the checklist I made for this and I believe it went rather successfully. I used 2 models for different purposes as this is what I planned to do at the beginning.

The top model with the headphones, I am planning on using for my magazine front cover. The reason for this is because my magazine is based on the genre of house music. As you can see, I made my model where beat headphones as they are related a lot to loud music and a lot of DJs use them. I asked her to look like she is playing DJ decks so when it comes to doing my front cover I will crop it to make it look like she is and this will be a famous person in my magazine. I asked my model to do happy and excited faces for my photoshoot. The reason for this is I want my target audience of my magazine to see my 'Sound' magazine as fun and exciting to read. I used a spot light to take my photos and I did this with a torch as I didn't have the right equipment. This gave an effect that the model is DJing at a club with lots of people watching her. I also as a prop gave her sunglasses to wear on her head as I felt like it gave my model a more of a festival and club look.

For my second set of images I used a different model and decided to go for a different approach as I wanted there to be variation in my magazine and not just the same type of images, which would most probably make my readers of the magazine bored. The look I went for in these images was a young, fun, happy teenage girl who enjoys herself and likes to listen to music. I made a mistake in these images by not giving her a prop of headphones as these pictures could be used for anything and don't really relate to my magazine. On the other hand, I wanted my readers to look at these images and want to be like this model, as I have tried to make the second model be like my target audience. I dressed up in a lace pink top which would usually be worn in festivals and is rather girly which is what I was aiming for. I decided to put fake glasses on my model so she looks quite cute and innocent.

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