Monday 12 October 2015

Photo shoot photos

I took a variety of pictures that I could use for my cover image.

In this first image I have captured an A level student doing some research in a media lesson for there blog. I thought this was a good image to take as it represents the school as hard working and intellectual, the glasses make the student look more intelligent.


This is a duty student occupying his time by reading. I thought this would be a good image for the cover image as all students have to do this duty and will be able to relate to it. The boy is positioned the way he is as its a natural position and he looks relaxed in his environment.

I took this image to show off the schools uniform and logo. The student looks very happy and is dressed very smart with the blazer and her school shirt buttons all done up. This is a good role model for younger students to dress presentably as this girl is one of the oldest in the lower school.

This image I decided to take because it shows the students doing something different than just working, It shows our school has a variety of enjoyable lessons and the 2 girls look very interested in what they are doing. These students are year 7s so I thought this would be good to show we got them confident at an early stage in their school.

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