Friday 9 October 2015

Planning my photo shoot

For my school magazine I need to plan who the cover model for my magazine and what they are going to represent. I have decided I am going to use a year 11 student that goes to St Gregory's for the central image. She will be in her school uniform showing the school logo so its a clear representation of what the magazines about. I will do her standing either with a plane background so the student stands out in the image.
I want the student to look like she shows a good representation of her secondary school so she will look very smart and well dressed. I have decided to do a year 11 student as my cover model as she is going through her GCSE's which everyone has experienced. She has been at school for a while now and is quite well known within the school. This means other students will be able to relate and will want to have a look at this magazine. Students that are in a younger years are soon going to experience these exams so may read the magazine for this reason. Also some parents may read the magazine as their children already go to the school so they can also relate.

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