Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention of real media products? 

In my Music magazine, I generally used the conventions of a magazine most of the time, which I thought was the safest option as I knew they were correct.
My colour scheme of my magazine is Pink which suites the target audience of my magazine which is teenage girls. This is because Pink is the commonly used colour for girls and attracts girls attention, which is what I want for the magazine. I also used bits of Green on the front cover of the magazine which is a colour of youth, which also relates to my audience.
The images that I took for my magazine were all related to the genre of my magazine and again suited my target audience, young adults/ teenage girls. The images were all of girls, a Female DJ and examples of girls having fun on a festival. The main image of my double page spread is a female DJ who is featured in my magazine. She looks like she's having a good time doing what she is doing which i wanted, as the readers would feel like they are in the scene and more involved.
On the front cover of my magazine, for the masthead i used a thick, black, bulky font which challenges the usual conventions for a teenage girls magazine. The reason i did this was because by having a big masthead that stands out, it is able to catch peoples attention when on a magazine rack in a shop, black also represents power which i though would suite the magazine., The pink backgroud means that even though the black font may look boyish, it is still clear the target audience would be girls.
   For my contents page, i feel like i challenged the conventions of a magazine as i put the brand name on the page. I also decided I wanted to put the the title of the page 'Contents' down the side of the page. This was because I didn't want the layout of my page to be boring to my target audience, i wanted it to be fun and interesting to look at, which i feel like this brings.
   In terms of the price of my magazine, i feel like the price was following the conventions of a real life magazine. This is the average price that a magazine is sold at. The reason ive set it fairly low is because my target audience in young, which means many of them will not have full time jobs. By setting the price low it allows by audience to purchase my product at a price that is affordable for the age range.

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