Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?  

To attract my audience, I tried to use a range of different features including language, font, images and masthead.

Language: as my target audience for my magazine is young, I have tried to use the up to date slang words and write informally on the front cover, By doing this, my target audience will think that my magazine is cool and worthy for them to read. It will not come across as a magazine which is above there time but instead, one that is modern and up to date, The contents of the magazine are all things that i thought would interest young females and i expressed them in exiting ways on the front page. 
An example of this is on the front page where Brixton was written about. Instead of writing house will now be at brixton, i thought i would try make it more down with the young generation by writing  'House takes over', I think this sounds more exciting to read and more direct to the person, It is informal which means the audience can read it clearly and understand the words on which are written. It will also make them feel like they are related to the magazine more and will like the content inside.

Images: For my front cover I put on a couple of images. I will firstly start with the main image, To attract the audience, i made sure that the cover model was going to be famous and someone who the readers could look up to and relate to. I chose hannah wants to be the cover model who is very popular and famous with the younger generation, When people see Hannah on the front of my magazine they will want to buy it and read so they can find information out about the celebrity. I think this image definitely attracts the correct target audience
The other images i used were for a purpose. I purposely chose these small images as i wanted them to look like my intended target audience. These images are of girls that all have the same kind of fashion sense. They are supposed to be inspirational women for the audience.

Font: I used a wide range of fonts on the different features of my magazine. For the important bits of information or the bits that i thought would be interesting, i used bigger and bolder fonts. This is because i want my audience to be attracted to the right bits of information that will be persuasive and make them want to buy the magazine.

For example, for the masthead of the magazine, i used a huge black font. I did this because the brand name of the magazine is one of the most important things as thats what they are recognised for. This way, when the magazines are all together in columns in a shop, they audience will be attracted to my magazine as it will have a huge font. I would say my font isnt the usual choice for my audience but i decided it would be a good idea to challenge the conventions of a magazine, which i think worked out well.

Looking at the overall attraction of my magazine,  I would say all the different aspects make my magazine worth buying and the audience will me impressed with what they will buy. I have tried to minimise any limitations that would stop the audience from buying my magazine, which is stuff like lots of advertisements.

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